km 16261.01
Odometer is reliable again. Starting the count at 16000 + Dz2L's reading.
Service report : June 13, 2010 1800 - 1830 replaced back brake shoes (MEC#4011200 $3.75)with fresh ones and adjusted both brakes back to their normal tightness. Should be observed that the bolt holding on the brake arm to the frame at the left behind is corroded to the point where it won't be removed without persuasion.
And yet the original OEM brakes still work adequately, albeit with some finicky adjustment processes.
Service report : June 13, 2010 1800 - 1830 replaced back brake shoes (MEC#4011200 $3.75)with fresh ones and adjusted both brakes back to their normal tightness. Should be observed that the bolt holding on the brake arm to the frame at the left behind is corroded to the point where it won't be removed without persuasion.
And yet the original OEM brakes still work adequately, albeit with some finicky adjustment processes.